Family Relations
Inside Spaces/outside spaces - Annie's Room
Photomedia Space - School of Art and Design - ANU - 2015
This panoramic series of monotypes is a visual expression of family life within an interior space occupied by an elderly friend called Annie. This body of work extended my investigations into family life with the monotype. The imagery evolved from my memories of life in Annie's lounge with her extended family. Repetition and distortion of imagery reflect the nature of memory while spatial length is intended to reflect the passing of time and enhance an immersive effect.

The Family Lounge
Basil Sellers Prize - Mechanics Hall - Moruya - NSW - 2014
Winner of the Basil Sellers Prize 2014
This work is a composite of monotype ghost prints depicting a nuclear family, part of Annie's extended family.. Family relationships are explored within an interior space. Certain qualities inherent to the monotype and the particular assemblage of images have allowed me to create an ambiguous sense of closeness and awkwardness.

Family Portraits
Drawing Room- Painting Workshop - School of Art and Design - ANU 2014
My research into the distinctive qualities of the monotype began with a series of portraits of members of a family of close friends. By using life drawings as templates for the monotypes I created in the studio, I was able to manipulate, reverse and combine images as a means of exploring family dynamics.

Sitting with Pattie
Bega Regional Gallery - Bega - NSW 2014
Winner of the Bega Valley Art Awards 2014 - judge: Nicholas Harding
This composite of small charcoal drawings is an intimate memoir made from life as I sat with my mother in the last weeks of her life.